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Top 5 Reasons Your Small or Medium-Sized Business Needs a Website

Why does your small or medium-sized business need a website?

Maybe it’s something you’ve been meaning to do but have kept putting off? Or maybe you simply don’t have the bandwidth to focus on your customers while completing a website design that makes sense for your business.

Whatever your reason, we’re here to tell you why it’s important to get your small or medium-sized business online, by creating a budget-friendly website, today!

So, aside from the obvious (selling your products online) what are some reasons to create a website for your SME?

Our top 5 reasons are the following:

  1. Lead generation
  2. Remain competitive
  3. Larger audience
  4. Increase credibility
  5. Marketing tool

Stick with us while we explore and explain exactly why your SME should make website development your next project.

1. Lead generation

Lead generation might sound like a fancy “salesy” term, but it really just means bringing in traffic online that might turn into a sale (either eventually in-person or online today).  

By creating a website for your small to medium-sized business (think restaurants or retail stores) you can keep track of your customers and potential customers by offering useful information through your website. In return, your audience can sign up for a mailing list to receive special “members only” discounts, information, or other relevant offers from your business.

Sure, it is another online platform to maintain, but this method is relatively easy and helps with your online marketing.

small businesses need websites inncelerator
Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

2. Remain competitive

Your number one competitor probably already has a website. And if they don’t, this is your chance to get ahead!

If your competition is already online, in order to remain competitive you need to be online, too. Otherwise, you are simply giving them sales.

Chances are, they not only have a website but are also active on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and have a Google My Business profile. These platforms all contribute to search engine optimization (SEO), or how soon customers find you when they search for your business on Google. So they’re extremely important.

3. Larger audience

In addition to having a presence online to remain competitive, offering products for sale or simply being available for customer service inquiries almost instantly doubles your audience.

While you may only serve a specific area with your physical retail shop, by establishing an online presence you will reach local customers who weren’t necessarily aware of your presence.

Nowadays, over 70% of customers search for a business online before visiting.

With the local search tool on Google (or other search engines), customers near you will be referred to you! Not to someone in the next town over.

small businesses website development - inncelerator
Photo by Le Buzz on Unsplash

4. Increase credibility

If your SME does not have a web presence at all, what do you think that does for the credibility of your business in the eyes of a potential consumer?

By spending some time focusing on website development, social media, online marketing, and SEO, customers who are already looking for your business are way more likely to find you and give you a shot!

Now more than ever, customers want to shop local. By having a website and online listing, you’re allowing yourself to be found by potential customers everywhere.

Some may even make a special trip out to you if you’re able to differentiate yourself enough in your niche. Even convenience stores, gift shops, and other small businesses can benefit from creating a budget-friendly website this year.

5. Marketing tool

Finally, having an online presence for your small or medium-sized business is a fantastic marketing tool.

The difference between your website and social media channels is that you actually own your own website. Social channels could be gone or change their terms at any moment’s notice, but if you focus on generating useful information to post on your website while focusing a little on SEO, you’ll have customers finding you for years to come.

Having a website is also a very affordable way to market your business. Instead of expensive radio ads or mass outdoor marketing like billboards or bus-bench signs (that all have expiry dates), by focusing your energy on a budget-friendly website, you’ll come out ahead of small businesses focusing on other channels. 

shop locally with small businesses - inncelerator
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


It’s easy to see why having a website is a must for small or medium-sized businesses like restaurants, retail stores, convenience stores, or other local businesses. By focusing on a little online marketing, you can create enormous returns that can be the difference between life and death for some businesses.

To find out if creating a budget-friendly website with Inncelerator could be the right fit for your business, visit us here, and don’t hesitate to send us a message if you have questions!

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